Answering the CALL

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
— Matthew 28:19 NIV

Over the past 25 I’ve had the privilege of serving in ministry in many different capacities ranging from being an usher, to a youth and young adult leader, street evangelist, missionary and senior pastor. Through it all I’ve learned so much from the experience of not only receiving solid Biblical teaching, but also through application and serving God’s people.

My heart’s desire is to not only see souls saved, but lives changed and transformed through the power of Biblical discipleship. Throughout all of my ministry experience, the need for effective discipleship stands out as the greatest opportunity for the Body of Christ. Rather than beat the church up for what it’s not doing, I’m called to empower the church to fulfill what Christ commanded.

I invite you to join me by becoming a disciple-maker and utilize the resources made available through this site to do your part to fulfill the great commission given to us all by Jesus Christ.

The goal is to leverage social media platforms to reach the lost as well as under-discipled Christians and lead them (funnel) into not only a loving relationship with the Lord but ALSO a loving and supportive community of Christian discipleship… FACTOR POINTS COLLECTIVE.

Joseph Sissac, Factor Points Collective, Podcast, Discipleship